Another life changing event in Rezwan's family. Rezwan's beloved mother was diagnosed with Colon Cancer on May 12, 2016. CT scan on May 13, 2016, shows it has spread in to her Liver. She started her Chemo Therapy on May 23, 2016. Every two weeks she has to go through a session of Chemo Therapy which last for three days. First day, she does the Chemo in the hospital and next two days she comes home with a small pump which continues pumping Chemo for next 46 hours.

This picture was taken on May 23rd, when she came home after her very first day of Chemo. After she got off from the car Rezwan's father requested for her to stand infront of the flowers in her garden. Chemo pump is visible from her shoulder. Gardening was her passion. After Rezwan's arrest she never really recovered mentally and physically. She had a stroke in December, 2012, and as a result she developed walking disorder and could not attend the gardens anymore. Rezwan and his older brother often used to help out their mother in the garden. The flowers still keeps blooming every year.

Please keep Rezwan's mother in your prayers and thoughts.

BREAKING NEWS (09/27/2019): WITH GREAT SADNESS WE ANNOUNCED THAT REZWAN'S BELOVED MOTHER, ANAMARIA M FERDAUS, PASSED AWAY ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2019, AT 11:10AM. "Inna Lillahi wa Inna Ilaihi Rajeun" (we have come from God and will return to God).

  • Rezwan's mother passed away in her own home after three years and four months of struggles with cancer. She fought valiantly but at the end, Allaha's will was for her to leave her beloved boys (Farhad and Rezwan), husband of 39+ years Showket Ferdaus, and brothers, sisters, sisters-in-laws, brothers-in-laws, lots of nephews and nieces, along with countless friends and colleagues. All of us loved her dearly.
  • Her husband was holding her one hand and her older son was holding other hand when she took her last three long breaths.
  • Over the almost last three and half years, since her diagnosis on May 12, 2016, she has endured three days of Chemotherapy every two weeks, two Clinical Trials, weeks of Radiations in the bones. While she was going through all these, she had traveled thousands of miles by air and roads to visit Rezwan every two to three months. Her last visit to Rezwan was at USP Victorville, California, on April 13,14 and 15 of 2019.
  • Her last scheduled visit to Rezwan was set for the weekend of September 7th, 2019. This trip had to be cancelled because she became very sick and had to be hospitalized on September 2nd, 2019. Rezwan's brother Farhad had to visit him alone that weekend instead (Please read previous breaking news below for the details of this visit).
  • On August 20th, 2019, her Oncology and entire support network from Dana Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI) in Boston, Massachusetts, gathered and told her that her last Clinical Trial (ended in August 19, 2019) had not worked at all. That was the end of line for her and all cancer treatment had to be stopped. DFCI group did not want to put her through any more unbelievable pain and sufferings through some more Clinical Trials because they were under the opinion that nothing going to work anymore. They suggested to put her on Hospice Care starting on August 20th, 2019. That day on, Rezwan's mother lost all her mental confidence and became bed ridden. Shut her down from all activities including going to work (amazingly she used to go to work whenever she could). Only one thing she wanted to do was go visit Rezwan in California for one last time. Her family planned to take her to visit Rezwan on the weekend of September 7th, but it was not to be. She became very sick and had to be hospitalized on September 2nd, 2019.
  • She came back home from Hospital on September 9th, 2019, under the Hospice Care. It was Monday. Ambulance brought her home around 6PM. She was rarely talking. Answering in one or two words if insisted. Suddenly around 8:25PM Rezwan called after about five weeks of no phone calls (his privilege was removed for whatever reason). When she heard Rezwan calling, she became very excited. Raised her head from the pillow and said "Rezwan". Rezwan's father handed the phone (which was on speaker) to her which she was finding difficult to hold. She raised her head and put her nose very close to the phone. Rezwan's father helped her to hold the phone. She barely could say two or three words. Said "love you" to Rezwan. Rest of the time Rezwan was talking to her, encouraging her. She listened intensely. 15 minutes time ran out. We can see that her face was glowing. She knew probably that the last time they heard each other's voice. Quite a few people were in the room. Family, friends, colleagues except Rezwan's brother Farhad who was still in California after visiting Rezwan that day.
  • Hospice nurses were visiting her daily. Changing her medicines, mostly Morphine's, as required. There were lots of visitors everyday. lots of people she had not seen for years. All wanted to talk to her and waited for her response. First few days she tried to talk back but not much word came out. We can feel that she was hearing well and opened her eyes to the direction of voice that was coming towards her. On the weekend of 14th and 15th of September, her condition deteriorated. Her breathing was getting louder. Nurses decided to increase the frequency of Morphine. From four hours to three hours and if needed every hour.
  • On 15th night and early 16th morning Rezwan's father was alone with her. Her breathing became very loud and she was making Pop Corn sound. Rezwan's father was giving her Morphine doses. Around 8:25AM on 16th September, Rezwan's father called Hospice office to tell them that she was breathing very hard. He was told that her nurses were going to be there by 10AM and which they did. They started giving her Morphine's every few minutes. But nothing seems to be working. Her loud breathing was becoming worst. Farhad arrived and joined his father. Sometime after 10:30AM lead nurse told them they could go downstairs if it was hard for them to observe. They did. Around 11AM, lead nurse came down and told them they should come up because she did not think Rezwan's mother is going to be around long. Rezwan's father hold his mother's right hand from one side of the bed and Rezwan's brother hold her left hand from other side of the bed. Both of them were telling her how good she was and how much they love her. At 11:10AM Rezwan's mother took one long breath, waited few seconds then took second long breath and waited few more seconds and took her last long breath. All the time Rezwan's Father and brother holding her hand and Nurses were respectfully standing back in the corner of the room where the TV was.
  • It was already a week there was no phone call from Rezwan. Suddenly at 3:59PM on September 16, the day his mother passed away at 11:10AM, Rezwan called his father. His father said "hello" and nothing came out of his mouth and handed the phone to his brother Farhad. Farhad cried and talked to Rezwan rest of the 15 minutes while pacing in the front lawn of their family home. A houseful of people just watched and cried.
  • May Allah Rest in Peace, Farhad and Rezwan's beloved mother and beloved wife of Showket Ferdaus.
  • Please keep Rezwan in your thoughts and prayers. Remember, outside of prison we have family and friends to support the grief-stricken family. But for Rezwan, nobody is there to put his or her hand on his shoulder and comfort him. He is alone there incarcerated inside BOP.